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Time Perspective at Christmas and New Year


Have you ever wished you could be a time traveller, like Dr Who perhaps? We're all rushing around, making sure we have all the presents we need and all the food and goodies we want, all the special drinks or types of cheese our guests like. Not to mention worrying about whether we've missed anyone on the Christmas card list, or if we have enough wrapping paper. But since we're not Dr Who, or his glamorous assistant, we have to deal with real time. How we approach all of this is down to our Time Perspective (TP).

TP is the way we naturally adapt to time; and research tells us that each of us does it differently, fitting into particular patterns. It's similar to the way each of us treats money differently e.g. both are spendable, saveable, and run out! Each of these patterns has its own pros and cons, some more than others, when it comes to happiness and wellbeing and they can become particularly pertinent at Christmas, when we're ending a year and starting another, and spending time with different people who may have different perspectives.

Research shows the happiest people have a balanced TP, so if you recognise yourself in any one of the orientations below we have offered some tips to help you balance things out, which we hope will help you to enjoy your Christmas even more.

There are five main types of TP:


Future oriented TPs, as you would suspect, tend to focus on what's coming next, outcomes, goals and To Do lists, rather than being in the moment and enjoying what is happening right now and the journey along the way.

If you think you're future oriented e.g. you spend lots of time worrying about what you must achieve in 2014, or how much there is to do on Christmas day itself etc. then try this tip: list your top 3 favourite moments from 2013 – what you did to be a part of them, what they meant to you, and what you learnt from it.


Past-positive TPs have a strong focus on family, tradition, continuity and history. They also have a warm fuzzy and often sentimental view of their past, valuing relationships with friends and family highly, they love to reminisce and tell/hear stories of the past.

If you think you are a past-positive person, try this: Make a few reasonable goals for today, tomorrow, and next month. Write them down and review the list regularly, looking ahead.


Past-negative TPs also have a strong focus on family, tradition, continuity and history, but can feel haunted by the past and spend time focussing on events that may have effected them adversely, forgetting to remember all the good things in their lives.

If you feel you are a past-negative person try this: Make a scrapbook of mementos, including photos, letters and even school reports. Write down your reflections of each stage of your life and how positive they were.


Present-Hedonistic TPs live in the moment, seeking thrills, adventure and new sensations. Children mostly have this TP, but many adults have it too. Think of those who love extreme sports.

If you think you're present-hedonistic orientated e.g. you don't plan for or look to the future, neither do you look back and ponder the past, try this: Practice saying no to temptation: Put out a bowl of chocolates now, but don't eat them until tomorrow.


Present-Fatalistic TPs often feel that there is something controlling their lives and have a sense that everything is pre-ordained. Some view this in a positive way and feel happy that everything happens for a reason, whilst others can feel a little hopeless thinking that nothing they do will make a difference.

If you feel you are present-fatalist orientated e.g. you believe that your life is set out and you have no control, try this: Plan for periods of spontaneity, set aside a weekend day and decide what to do only when the time arrives.

We hope this gives you some ideas of ways you can find more balance in your TP and helps you to savour every moment of your Christmas celebrations. Merry Christmas.

Well being


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