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Practically Positive Does Pinterest


We've been thinking for a while now that Pinterest would be a great way to share our positivity with you and we've finally got around to setting up our boards. Hooray! We only have a few boards at the moment, but we'll be adding more as we go and we'd love you to share and pin along with us.


Time Doesn’t Fly When You’re Enjoying Yourself

We're pleased to share with you another guest blog from Rich Hadley, MSc qualified business psychologist.

Isn't it strange how time speeds up as you get older? My school holidays, just six weeks long, used to last an eternity. Wednesdays were worst because this was early closing day in our village, and in the heat of the August afternoon, time itself seemed to come to halt, just the buzzing of flies and the occasional passing train in the distance to punctuate the still emptiness. Now, as I turn 50, I'm just as unsettled at the rapidity of time, how ever more quickly arrives each birthday, how brief is the summer warmth, how soon it's time to pay the next tax bill.


Fancy Letting the Government Fund Your Leadership Development?

If we told you that you could get the government to match funding of up to £2,000 for every senior manager involved in the strategic direction of your business and to undertake leadership and management training recommended for your business, what would you say? We bet it would be “Show me the money!” Well that’s exactly what GrowthAccelerator can do for you.


Can Kindness Boost Your Business?


Kindness and business aren't generally words you would expect to find in the same sentence, but more and more companies are gaining brand awareness, loyalty, better relationships and more productive workforces.


The blind leading the blind?


The story

I'm writing this at London City Airport. I should be on a flight to Amsterdam on the way to deliver a training session to a client out there on a team day. We can't get hold of the client (they're busy on their team day).


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5 Ways you can Achieve Flow 18 April 2018, 00.00 Sharon
5 Ways you can Achieve Flow
Often described as a state of mind in which you can experience total immersion and involvement in what you’re doing, where things happen effortlessly and time disappears, flow is what athletes often call “being in the



Protect. Enable. Strengthen. Flourish. Your business is in their heads.